City of Greely Final Report: Waste Characterization Study
Waste characterization study conducted to guide zero-waste planning
Western CO Waste Diversion Study
Examination of current solid waste management to increase waste diversion
Colorado EPR Needs Assessment
Report outlines the Needs Assessment study that evaluated the recycling infrastructure, services, and costs throughout all geogrphic ares of the state and proposed three scenarios for increasing collection and recycling rates in Colorado by 2030 and 2035.
FRWD Baseline Assessment
Partnering with Eco-Cycle, resource to collect data of waste diversion programs and policies
Town of Vail Commercial Waste Study
Included commercial waste audit, business survey & stakeholder discussions with recommendations for hauler licensing & reporting, enhanced drop-site collection, dedicated marketing & employee education & improved enclosures
Summit County Waste Diversion Study
Study evaluated MSW stream, single-stream recyclables & C&D stream for diversion potential & contamination
Municipal Solid Waste Audit Protocol - Regional Projects
Developed by CDPHE for RREO grantees, the protocol includes sorting logistics including equipment & safety procedures; sample selection; trash & recyclables material sort list; sorting, weighing & recording; and data analysis
Municipal Solid Waste Audit Protocol - Commercial Buildings
Developed by CDPHE for RREO grantees, the protocol includes sorting logistics including equipment & safety procedures; sample selection; trash & recyclables material sort list; sorting, weighing & recording; and data analysis
Georgia C&D Debris Characterization
Methodology for C&D characterization and results of characterization study
EPA Municipal Solid Waste Facts and Figures
Document assessing available data and data gaps for common MSW items
Denver Residential Recycling Composition
Example of a recycling composition findings report for residential use
Denver ICI Waste Composition
Example of a waste composition findings report for institutional, commercial, and industrial use
Boulder County Construction & Demolition Infrastructure Study, Materials Generation Estimate & Market Analysis
Includes estimate of materials generation, market analysis, feasibility of material-specific diversion, conceptual site development & financial analysis
Boulder County Composting Capacity Analysis
Includes compost capacity analysis, existing waste characterization, options for using biosolids; evaluated feasibility of new facility
CDPHE Waste Diversion Data Survey
Waste diversion data on the front range - guidance for data and measurement included
Boulder Waste Composition Study
County waste composition comparison from 2010 to 2019 with data methodology and results
Waste Composition of MSW
Interactive Colorado map provided by CDPHE that shows the statistics of waste composition in each county