Implementing the Plastic Pollution Reduction Act
Website with resources for implementing the Plastic Pollution Prevention Act (PPRA), includes guides for municipalities, businesses and communities.
Colorado EPR Needs Assessment
Report outlines the Needs Assessment study that evaluated the recycling infrastructure, services, and costs throughout all geogrphic ares of the state and proposed three scenarios for increasing collection and recycling rates in Colorado by 2030 and 2035.
Circular Economy Development Center (CEDC)
Website with resources related to end market development in Colorado.
Boulder Universal Zero Waste Fact Sheet & Guidance
Provides history & challenges related to MFU & commercial recycling as well as generator guidance
Washington State Multifamily Recycling
Policy influences, education & outreach, and recycling collection logistics
Top 5 Waste Outreach & Engagement Tips
Top 5 tips including signage, waste audits, web-base trainings, and green teams to engage the public
The Art and Science of Composting
Science behind composting, management guidelines, and different composting methods
Summit County Compost Facility
Facility produces Class III compost & other products from food, wood, green waste & biosolids
Source Separated Organics Collection
Hauling tips and other collection methods for organic waste
San Mateo Litter Work Group Best Practices
A review of best practices and recommendations for litter management
San Luis Valley Waste Diversion Study
Evaluation of regional drop-site system, recycling center enhancements & education program
Recycling Partnership Site
A partnership to help advocate recycling programs, meet sustainability goals, and help develop policy solutions
Recycling Ordinance & Building Design Guidelines
Multi-sector ordinance examples, recycling program guidelines and building design
Pitkin County Compost Facility
County facility accepts food, wood & green waste plus biosolids to produce multiple products
Pitkin County C&D Debris Recovery Program Brochure & C&D Diversion Regulation
Includes requirements for contractor use of Green Halo tracking system, deposit requirements & rebate opportunity
Organics Collection & Processing BMPs, Houston TX
Organics management through a variety of sectors example
National Apartment Association Recycling Programs Best Practice
Trends, benefits, and methods for recycling programs and case studies
Loveland Regulations
Public collection system with PAYT service to residents up to 3 units & hauler licensing for private haulers
Longmont Solid Waste Management Fee
Adopted in 2017 with the city’s PAYT system, this additional fee of $2.96/household-month is assessed to cover special collections & events