Implementing the Plastic Pollution Reduction Act
Website with resources for implementing the Plastic Pollution Prevention Act (PPRA), includes guides for municipalities, businesses and communities.
Recycling for All Coloradans - Producer Responsibility Policy
Website with resources related to Colorado's Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policy.
Data Tracking through MMP
The FRWD program supports waste diversion data tracking in the Front Range through the Municipal Measure Program (MMP). The program equips local governments with tools and reports to enhance waste diversion capacity and success, including decision-making tools, program performance evaluations, benchmarking, and recommendations.
Recycling for All Coloradans - Producer Responsibility Policy (EPR)
Website with resources related to Colorado's Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policy
Boulder Universal Zero Waste Fact Sheet & Guidance
Provides history & challenges related to MFU & commercial recycling as well as generator guidance
Vail Universal Recycling Regulations
Requires hauler to provide MFU/commercial recycling & generators to provide common area recycling, also residential PAYT
Summit County Universal Recycling Ordinance: Frisco, CO
Comprehensive hauler licensing, PAYT, MFU/commercial recycling policy for county & incorporated towns (one of most comprehensive policy docs, developed from other existing Colorado policy)
Summit County Universal Recycling Ordinance: Breckenridge, CO (Specific to waste generators)
Ordinance amending solid waste hauler regulations
Summit County Mill Levy
Mill levy approved in 2018 to fund 5 key areas across the county with roughly $2M/year available to expand & add new waste diversion programs & infrastructure
Recycling Ordinance & Building Design Guidelines
Multi-sector ordinance examples, recycling program guidelines and building design
Pitkin County Regulations
Requires haulers to provide MFUs & businesses with recycling service equal to 50% of trash service & generators to provide occupants/employees/customers with recycling, also hauler licensing & residential PAYT requirements
Pitkin County C&D Debris Recovery Program Brochure & C&D Diversion Regulation
Includes requirements for contractor use of Green Halo tracking system, deposit requirements & rebate opportunity
Loveland Regulations
Public collection system with PAYT service to residents up to 3 units & hauler licensing for private haulers
Longmont Solid Waste Management Fee
Adopted in 2017 with the city’s PAYT system, this additional fee of $2.96/household-month is assessed to cover special collections & events
Longmont Regulations
Public collection system with PAYT for residential customers up to 7 units
Lafayette Regulations
Contract hauler system serving up to 7 residential units with PAYT & hauler licensing requirements
Grand County Waste Diversion Study
Included conceptual design & costs for regional drop site, feasibility of a disposal bag program
Golden Regulations
Contract hauler system where PAYT system includes trash, recycling & organics service to residents up to 7 units
Golden PAYT Resident's Guide
Guidance on how to select a trash service level, what organics collection will include, rates, FAQs & unacceptable materials in contract hauler system