Boulder Universal Zero Waste Fact Sheet & Guidance
Provides history & challenges related to MFU & commercial recycling as well as generator guidance
Washington State Multifamily Recycling
Policy influences, education & outreach, and recycling collection logistics
Vail Universal Recycling Regulations
Requires hauler to provide MFU/commercial recycling & generators to provide common area recycling, also residential PAYT
Summit County Universal Recycling Ordinance: Frisco, CO
Comprehensive hauler licensing, PAYT, MFU/commercial recycling policy for county & incorporated towns (one of most comprehensive policy docs, developed from other existing Colorado policy)
Pitkin County Regulations
Requires haulers to provide MFUs & businesses with recycling service equal to 50% of trash service & generators to provide occupants/employees/customers with recycling, also hauler licensing & residential PAYT requirements
National Apartment Association Recycling Programs Best Practice
Trends, benefits, and methods for recycling programs and case studies
Loveland Regulations
Public collection system with PAYT service to residents up to 3 units & hauler licensing for private haulers
Free Guide & Tools for Enhancing & Promoting Multi Family Recycling
Free customizable marketing tools and other campaign resources
Fort Collins Community Recycling Regulations
Requires haulers to provide MFUs & businesses with recycling service equal to 50% of trash service – website includes service calculator, FAQs
Erie Curbside Recycling & Composting Study
Policy assessment for residential, multi-family and commercial recycling and composting
Denver Recycling Space Benchmarking Report
Research on Colorado and national municipalities that require commercial properties to allocate space for recycling
Denver Master Plan
Waste diversion plan for recyclables, organics, hazardous waste and more in Denver
Denver ICI Waste Composition
Example of a waste composition findings report for institutional, commercial, and industrial use
City of Boulder Hauler Licensing
Hauler requirements and other licensing information example
Aspen Regulations
Requires haulers to provide MFUs & businesses with recycling service, also hauler licensing & reporting
Boulder MFU & Business Recycling Regulations
Requires property owners to provide recycling & composting, also addresses wildlife-resistant containers & special events
Boulder Universal Zero Waste Fact Sheet & Guidance
Provides history & challenges related to MFU & commercial recycling as well as generator guidance
Denver Waste Reduction Strategy 2020-2030
Waste minimization strategy emphasizing reuse, recycling, and organics recovery practices
City of Steamboat Springs Recycling Study
Evaluations of mandates for MFU & commercial recycling as well as equal space requirements for new construction & major renovations
Broomfield Recycling Space Requirements
Requires new construction & major renovations to provide recycling space equal to trash space